[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Dedicated to F.C.R.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Dedicated to F.C.R.

Down below is a poem in Spanish dedicated to fidel, courtesy of NetForCuba.org. It was written by Ricardo Ayestaran in Montevideo, Uruguay.

I was initially going to translate it to English, but decided to leave it in its original Spanish because there is no way that any translation could duplicate the meaning of the words contained in the poem. It is titled "Prophecy" and it deals with the moment that fidel dies and the aftermath.

Dedicado a F.C.R.


Cuando el tiempo se esfume en un segundo,
como el sueño que acunado entre las sierras,
se anegó de puños yertos, vil cosecha,
enrejando la esperanza en mar profundo.

Cuando el aire escape de tu boca,
con el tiempo poderoso derrotando,
tus mentiras descompuestas de tirano,
tus decrépitas arengas, viejas, rotas.

Cuando rompa la luz en Santa Clara,
y puntual tu muerte cierta descerraje,
la condena inexorable de la historia,

en las calles destrozadas de La Habana,
danzará la esperanza en albo traje,
y cantará la libertad tu fin sin gloria.

Ricardo Ayestarán
Montevideo, junio de 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, I just wanted to give a greeting and tell you I like your blog.

12:46 PM, November 26, 2005  

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