[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: OAS Meeting Wraps Up

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

OAS Meeting Wraps Up

And it looks like the Herald's Andres Oppenheimer was right. Here's what he said in his column last Sunday.

"My educated guess: The OAS meeting is not likely to accept the U.S. proposal that (OAS Secretary General) Insulza be assigned to single-handedly draft a plan of action, nor that civil society groups be given a top-level, formal status within the OAS. Furthermore, the final declaration will include some language reflecting Latin America's fears of U.S. meddling in their internal affairs.

But the OAS meeting is likely to take up the U.S. ideas in general, and ask member countries to devise a program to implement them over the next few months, in effect pushing the discussion to a later stage. So, as usually happens in these meetings, everybody will be able to claim victory."

Here is today's Miami Herald article which describes the compromise agreement.

Meanwhile...Bolivia is in chaos following the resignation of its president Carlos Mesa.


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