[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Can It Be Possible?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Can It Be Possible?

Can the Monster of the Caribbean be turning a new leaf? After 78 years, can he be seeing the light?

fidel castro, the monster being referenced here, said that Florida Governor Jeb Bush should lose weight for his health's sake.

You would think castro would want Jeb to throw down a million twinkies a day in order to expedite his death. Jeb is a Bush, after all. One of the hated Bushes who are so beloved by the Miami Mafia. You would think castro would send a monthly shipment of 1,000 pasteles de guayaba to our governor.

No, castro has taken the high road this time, maybe for the first time in his life.

(Now back to your regular castro-bashing).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I can only assume that the monster does this in order to point out how "healthy his" in comparasion to Jeb. If only he would see the light.

8:43 PM, December 07, 2005  

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