[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Believe It or Not

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Believe It or Not

Cubans often are accused of exaggerating. From the mundane to the spectacular, Cubans have a general tendency to overstate or exaggerate things.

Because of this, most non-Cubans and even second-generation Cuban-Americans raised in the U.S. tended to react skeptically when the older folks made statements such as these:

"castro killed Kennedy"

"fidel has spies everywhere in Miami".

Every Cuban-American youngster has heard these comments from their mamas, papas, abuelos, and tios at big family gatherings.

There's another one that is oft-repeated, this one extremely sobering:

"fidel wants to attack the United States"

Let's hope I never have to blog-link that quote.


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