[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Cuban-Americans in the Blogosphere

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cuban-Americans in the Blogosphere

I recall back in March of last year when I started this blog, I would go through the 5 or 6 Cuba-centric blogs daily when either thinking of a post or checking to see what the compadres were saying.

Nowadays, I'm proud to report, the number of Cuba-centric blogs have at least quadrupled. Blogs from all over the place, I might add. As La Ventanita, whose Wall Street Cafe is another recent and excellent addition to the blog scene mentions, the glass is shattering from so many Cuba blogs starting up. It's extremely hard for me to go through each one daily, most days I just have time for a few, then try to catch up on other days. It's a wonderful thing to see the list on the right-hand menu growing and growing. Each blog listed there is another shot at castro and his cronies, another step toward the truth and freedom for Cuba.

Speaking of which, it's serious time to update my Cuban blog roll. Look for some additions and a brief intro soon!


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