[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Appreciating What We Have Down Here

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Appreciating What We Have Down Here

I confess to not being a very good blogger since Robert graciously invited me to join him here. And this past week, in particular, I am afraid that I really let my friend Robert down. He asked me to take up some of the blogging slack while he was away. But I was busy and didn't blog. And indeed one of the reasons why I was busy was that I made my own trip to the frigid Midwest on Thursday and Friday.

I'll tell you one thing. Whatever South Florida's flaws, all I need to do to remember why I live here is to spend a day in Chicago during the winter. Miami is a paradise in many ways.


Blogger Robert said...

That picture looks a lot like what I've been plodding through all week here in Kansas City. I'll be home to 70 degree weather (AMEN!) in just a few hours.

No problem with the lack of blogging Jonathan. There have been several times when 4-5 days have gone by without a post here. As much as we enjoy blogging, it doesn't supercede other things going on in our lives. I've been very busy as well. I don't take blogging as seriously as most bloggers do, but that's OK I think.

9:26 AM, December 09, 2006  

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