[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Bye-Bye OB

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bye-Bye OB

AP photo

The sad but not surprising news just arrived a little while ago - the University of Miami football team will play its last season in the Orange Bowl in 2007 before moving to Dolphins Stadium in 2008.

As I mentioned in a post back in July, this is not good news for me. Not to belabor the point any further than I did back in July, the City of Miami screwed up big time. This is mostly on their hands, no doubt about it.

Orlando at El Machete shares his thoughts pre-decision, which pretty much echo mine.

So what's next? Ironically, this may very well end up being the break the Florida Marlins and the aforementioned City of Miami need to build that baseball stadium. City Manager Pete Hernandez has all but said that. Perhaps that's the best outcome that can come out of this, at least for me and for baseball fans in South Florida. We'll see.



Blogger Henry Louis Gomez said...

Robert when was the last time you attended a UM game at the OB?

The 20,000 hard core Canes fans will forget about the OB a few seconds after kick-off in 2008. Think about chair backs, a sound structure, bathrooms, and tailgating in a parking lot, not a front lawn.

Play ball!

9:36 PM, August 21, 2007  
Blogger Robert said...


I'm not the right person to ask since I'm not a huge fan of college football, but my last UM/FSU game was in 2000. I know many bigger fans who go every year. Like everything else, time gradually heals wounds and people move on. However, I don't think it's wrong to think that the ideal solution here would have been to make the necessary improvements to the OB when they needed to be done, many years ago.

That being said, I won't linger over this too long. Hopefully they will be playing ball at the site one day very soon.

8:32 PM, August 22, 2007  

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