[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Where In The World Are The Miami Dolphins?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Where In The World Are The Miami Dolphins?

The Miami Dolphins couldn't find good fortune outside the U.S. today, losing 13-10 to the New York Giants. That makes the L-phins (no D, no O) oh and eight this season.

Sure, we can blame lack of offense, mistakes, bad execution, the wet pitch, etc., for today's loss. However, as this funny article on The Phinsider points out, perhaps it was just a case of some Dolphins not knowing where the heck they played today:

Let me start off by saying that I love Channing Crowder and think he's going to be one heck of a player. But man, his comments today make me really question the education that students receive at the University of Florida. Here's what he said today when talking about the upcoming trip to London:

"I couldn't find London on a map if they didn't have the names of the countries. I swear to God. I don't know what nothing is. I know Italy looks like a boot. I learned that. I know London Fletcher. We did a football camp together. So I know him. That's the closest thing I know to London. He's black, so I'm sure he's not from London. I'm sure that's a coincidental name."

Now that is good stuff right there. After these comments, he was reminded that Dolphins receiver Marvin Allen is from London. That's when Crowder asked, "He's from London?" He then went on to proclaim, "I don't want to say he didn't look the part because that's a stereotype, but he didn't look the part. I heard him talk, and I thought he had a recorder and was just mouthing."

We love you, Channing! If nothing else, you're providing us with some humor to get through these tough days.

H/T: loyal 26th Parallel reader Tim.



Blogger Unknown said...

Very loyal though often dismayed reader. Family is like that, right, Rob??? :)

8:51 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger Robert said...


Time to take off the shackles and start commenting and telling us how wrong I am. It's OK, I won't hurt you. Too much. Only a little. Promise.

1:08 PM, October 29, 2007  

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