[freedomtowernight_edited.jpg] 26th Parallel: Let's Talk, fidel Says

Monday, April 06, 2009

Let's Talk, fidel Says

File this one under the Yeah. Right. category:
Fidel Castro said Monday that Cuba is not afraid to talk to the United States and that the communist government does not thrive on confrontation as its detractors claim.
Naturally, the Congressional Black Caucus fell over themselves in reply to fidel's "column":

Seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus are in Havana this week to discuss ways to improve relations. Democratic Rep. Mel Watt of North Carolina said Fidel Castro's column made it "clear that both countries can exist without either dialogue or adversity to each other."

"But wouldn't it be so wonderful if we struck a dialogue and found the things that were mutually advantageous and mutually of interest to our two countries," he added, "and stopped the historical divisions that have separated us (though we are) so close geographically?"



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