Change of Seasons in South Florida
Well...maybe not in the traditional sense, but there are signs of spring out there, such as the yellow tabebuias which are currently in full bloom all across South Florida.

Yellow Tabebuia in full bloom
At the same time, as anyone with an uncovered pool or a big yard can attest to, we have our own version of autumn taking place with leaves falling from the live oaks and gumbo limbos. Of course, new leaves sprout in a matter of a couple of weeks instead of months as is the case up north. Basically, we have spring and autumn coinciding in South Florida in March!

Yellow Tabebuia in full bloom

At the same time, as anyone with an uncovered pool or a big yard can attest to, we have our own version of autumn taking place with leaves falling from the live oaks and gumbo limbos. Of course, new leaves sprout in a matter of a couple of weeks instead of months as is the case up north. Basically, we have spring and autumn coinciding in South Florida in March!